Friday, February 23, 2018


While we are not officially in spring, the upstate is getting its first glimpse of spring. Hooray for spring! I love this season (I say that for every season!) So many changes ignite the senses. New blooms captivate the eyes, fragrant smells intoxicate, and the sounds of new life are all around us. As spring seeps into the area, let us remember to bend down and take a closer look. Smell those roses! Dust off the binoculars and organize a neighborhood bird count! Take a minute to meditate and simply listen to spring’s own play list.

Young explorer from the Family Nature Club
 testing to see if the water was was!
If you are looking for ways to connect this spring, check out these area activities or even join the family nature club at the Greenville Zoo as we explore the Upstate’ s most beautiful parks and play spaces. The Greenville Zoo Nature Play Club has spring outings that include visiting the Bunched Arrowhead Preserve on Saturday, April 7th and canoeing at Paris Mountain State Park on Saturday, May 5th. You’ll probably get dirty, but it sure cleans the soul.

Invite springtime fun into your family with these activities

Nature Soup:
Gardens can start anywhere!
Photo courtesy of Barbara Foster
of the Greenville Zoo
One of my favorites! I remember making nature soup and even play perfume with the buds, leaves, and flowers in the backyard. All you need is a bowl, water, natural material, and some imagination. See what your little chef can cook up!
Plant a garden:
Now is the perfect time to plant! Whether you are looking to grow some seasonal produce, or just grow a little goodness into the world, the wet weather and mild temperatures of early spring in South Carolina lend to nice conditions for gardening. 
While you are at it, Greenbrier Farms’ annual plant sale is happening again! April 14th 9:00AM – 4:00PM at the Greenbrier Farms in Easley.  

Wind streamers are an excellent activity for any age.
Photo courtesy of Debi Huang of

Wind Streamers:
Talk about igniting the senses! These wind streamers described by Debi Huang of Nature Play Trips and out in Los Angeles, are an excellent way to pay homage to the bright colors of spring and the joy of the new season. Just a simple stick and strips of fabric can create a colorful day in the sun.